Toolset provides a training system to learn and explore Toolset plugins and themes. It is a free service that allows you to see demos of pre-built, fully working websites and create your own training sites to experiment with Toolset.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what type of website you are interested in.
Problem: I'm trying to use Layouts, WPBakery Page Builder, and the Newspaper theme together but I'm not able to get my page templates to appear as expected.
Solution: Toolset Layouts and WPBakery should not be used together, so it's best to deactivate the Layouts plugin. The Newspaper theme doesn't work out-of-the-box with Content Templates, but you can follow the steps in our Theme Support for Content Templates document to help fix that problem.
Add this function name in Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Theme support for Content Templates:
Problem: I am using the Real Estate reference site as an example. When creating a House post, I would like to select a State, then select a City from a list of Cities in that State.
In wp-admin, there's no built-in way to do this. There is no "grandparent" post selection in post relationships, only parent selection. You could add the state abbreviation to each duplicate city post title:
City - "Kansas City, KS"
City - "Kansas City, MO"
In Forms, there is a more complex solution:
- Create a generic select field that includes an option for each State. The value of each option should be the State post ID. You can use a View of States to create the options for the generic field.
- Next create one generic select field for each State. Add options for each City in that State. You can use a View of Cities filtered by post relationship to create the options for the generic fields.
- Use Conditional Field Groups to show and hide the City select fields based on the selected State.
- Then capture the selected City post ID using the Forms API, and use the Post Relationships API to link the House and the City.
With the last release of Toolset Forms we changed the way how the "Auto-Generate Form" button works. When you click on it - it will give you better GUI which allows you to change field order with drag-drop.
In, register to use a training site admin area. I registered, received a confirmation link in an email to compete the registration, click the link I get this:
A page header, the words "Create your training site for Toolset" and a blank white page.
Problem: I would like to show custom fields and the wpv-woo-buy-or-select shortcode when I hover over my WooCommerce product image, but the link does not work.
Solution: It's not possible to use the wpv-woo-buy-or-select shortcode inside a link tag, because it generates its own link tag. Nested link tags are invalid HTML and will not behave as expected. Therefore, you must use a different method to create the hover effect if you want to place the wpv-woo-buy-or-select shortcode in the hover.
I want to apply the messaging system which the Toolset Classifieds Reference site uses. How can I do that?
It is not suggested to apply the Messaging system provided for that Reference Site on other but those reference sites.
The Plugin that makes it possible is an AddOn of Toolset (Toolset Classifieds) and it’s using hardcoded values related to the Reference Sites.
You can read a lengthy thread below if you want to dig into this anyway.
Suggested is, to use another Plugin when it comes to social networks like BuddyPress or similar. Toolset is not ideal for chats or instant messaging.