Toolset provides integration with popular themes, allowing you to design layouts for these themes using drag-and-drop, while preserving everything that the themes offer.
The themes that are currently supported are:
create a taxonomy archive from:
Toolset => WordPress Archives => Add new and select the "Tags" from "Taxonomy archive" section and try to build your custom tags archive.
Problem: I'm using Divi theme, and when I activate Toolset Views I am unable to save after editing Divi Theme Options. There is a server error 500 in the browser console after I click "Save". When I deactivate the Views plugin I can save again without errors.
Solution: This appears to be a memory issue, and the following code fixed the problem:
Client has a custom WordPress archive, and wants to add some content at the top of the page before the archive loop results.
The Loop Output section of the custom archive (and, likewise, a View) is just HTML (with lots of shortcodes that will generate more HTML). The part in between the wpv-loop tags will contain the archive results, but you can place additional markup outside of these, e.g. after the wpv-layout-start shortcode.