Toolset provides integration with popular themes, allowing you to design layouts for these themes using drag-and-drop, while preserving everything that the themes offer.
The themes that are currently supported are:
you should use that action whenever you want to perform database cleanup for post-relationship entries which is not required.
If you will not perform that action it will be handled automatically by the system. This is only important if you use intermediary posts on the front-end directly, for example in a View so for example.
Problem: I am using a Divi global module from my Library in the contents of a custom post. I also have a WordPress Archive for this post type where the Content Template for the Loop is designed with Divi Builder. I have inserted the wpv-post-body shortcode in the loop, followed by another shortcode wpv-post-title. Any shortcode after the wpv-post-body shortcode will display information from the wrong post on the archive.
Solution: Divi global modules seem to cause problems with post context, so you should add an explicit post ID attribute to any Toolset shortcodes that follow the wpv-post-body shortcode.
I am trying to build a custom post type and use a Divi module called "Gallery" in posts. When I add the Gallery module and then choose "update Gallery" the WordPress Edit Gallery shows that ALL media images are added to the gallery instead of starting with an empty gallery.
I expected to see the gallery to initiate with NO images in it. When I add the Divi Gallery to a standard WP post/page this is the way the module behaves.