Toolset Maps is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add address fields to any content type or users and display any content on Google Maps.
Toolset Maps User Guides include detailed documentation for creating these special address fields, adding pointers to them and displaying them on maps.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 10 topics - 886 through 895 (of 895 total)
Problem: I have a View that shows Events as a list, and also on a map. If the Event is "private", I do not want to show it on the map but I want it to appear in the results.
Solution: Use a checkbox field or a radio field to set the public / private status of each item. Use conditional HTML to show or not show the map marker for each result.
Problem: I have a custom search View that includes a distance filter and a "Use my location" button to determine distance from the User's location. It doesn't seem to be filtering correctly when I change the distance radius.
It appears that the Query Filter and filter control had become out of sync somehow while editing the View. This can often be fixed by simply recreating the filter. Delete the distance filter control shortcode from Search and Pagination, and delete the distance Query Filter. Recreate the distance filter in the Search and Pagination editor area, and the corresponding Query Filter will be created automatically.