One-to-many relationship between post types "Fishery" and "Fishery gallery".
in post type "Fishery gallery", there is a repeatable field group "Gallery Images"( custom fields "Image" + "Caption")
I am going to display related "Gallery Images"
Toolset repeatable field groups are based on one-to-many relationship, so each "Gallery Images" item is also a single post.
So the post type structure likes this:
Problem: What happens when I remove a site from "My sites" list on or
Solution: In general the plugins will continue to work exactly the same as before you unregistered the sites. The main difference is that automatic plugin updates will no longer be provided, and professional support is not available to those clients. In order receive support, or automatic updates for WPML or Toolset in the future, your client can register the plugins with their own purchased registration key(s). It is also possible to log in to the Toolset or WPML sites and download updated plugin versions. However, without a valid account on @ or @, the client will have no access to these downloads. So it's possible the client will continue to see messages about available updates to the software, but have no ability to update.
Update Toolset Types, Toolset Views and Toolset Module Manager but failed.
I have done manually downloaded the updates and uploaded but still failed with error "Destination folder already exist..".
The automatic update feature is embedded in the Types plugin, since you are using old version 3.0 Types plugin, it might conduct some unexpected result.
Please try these:
1) Backup your website
2) Dashboard-> Plugins, deactivate and delete Types plugin
3) Install the latest version of Types plugin manually, you can download it here:
Problem: I would like to update but I am shown an error that I must update my Elegant Themes subscription.
Solution: Go to wp-admin > Plugins > Add New, click the Commercial submenu, and register Toolset if it is not already registered. Then click "Check for updates" and use the automatic update process to update Toolset plugins.