Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 1,096 through 1,110 (of 1,139 total)
Line break not working with custom fields displayed using visual editor cell
The visual editor cell where you added the shortcode - You should uncheck the checkbox at bottom of the visual editor cell that says "Disable automatic paragraph" to display line breaks added to your custom field.
Go to Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Functions inside conditional evaluations, and enter wpv_conditional_post_has_content to register this function for use in conditionals.
Then you can use the function in a conditional like this:
After updating to Types 3.0 and Toolset Forms 2.0 image fields are not output correctly, a port number is added to the URL.
The exact source of the problem is unclear and appears server-dependent, but it may be possible to fix by going to Toolset > Settings > Custom Content and clearing the cache of images, then checking the two checkboxes for resizing image options.
How to add custom tabs to a template for showing WooCommerce products?
The wpv-woo-display-tabs shortcode inserts the standard WC UI for tabs, it will reproduce the tab UI that WC would normally add to the product page.
You can register new tabs and add content to them—but this is done with PHP. You would need to set the content for the custom tabs in the code where you register them, as described in that document.