Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 736 through 750 (of 820 total)
How to output the taxonomy term name or slug on a taxonomy archive page.
Views doesn't have a shortcode for this (the context for the wpv-taxonomy- shortcodes are taxonomy Views and the wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode used on an archive will output the terms of the first post shown in the archive, not of the archive itself).
the comment cell is also using wordpress function wp_list_comments() to get the comments, so you can use wordpress built-in filter hook to "wp_list_comments_args" to add your custom arguments.
Problem: How can I customize the output of the wpv-woo-related-products shortcode?
Solution: There aren't any customization options for this shortcode, but you could use Views to create your own custom list of related products. Related products can be queried by product category and product tags, then the loop can be customized using your own HTML and shortcodes.
The issue here is that the user has a view that is listing their products but wanted to filter this view to only list the featured woocommerce products.
For this to work you must first create a view that would list all the products.
Then you would add the following to your functions.php file