Toolset plugins offer a built-in import/export functionality, which allows you to transfer what you have built from one website to another.
In our documentation pages, you can also find information on how to import content of an entire site into WordPress.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to give us some information about the data that you import/export.
Viewing 15 topics - 166 through 180 (of 291 total)
I'm using WP All import for that and the add-on for Toolset, but when I choose the field group contains the repeatable field on the toolset add-on I get an error "Something went wrong. error" (other field groups are fine).
The "WP All Import – Toolset Types Add-On plugin" does not support Toolset repeatable field groups yet.
Only "WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer" plugin supports Toolset repeatable field groups.
I have "Import" some contents to the new site and I'm not sure why the site is experimenting strange behaviours. Sometimes the Install New Plugin page its not working, sometimes the Home appears in blank page, sometimes the /wp-admin is also blank
When you see a blank WordPress page, there might be some PHP errors in your website.
I suggest you enable PHP debug mode, and check the debug logs.
Problem: I would like to import terms into a flat custom taxonomy.
Solution: Toolset doesn't import terms, nor does it import posts, but I can show you a simple workaround that requires no extra import software:
1. Create a comma-separated list of terms you want to import like Alpha, Beta, Gamma
2. Create the flat custom taxonomy and assign it to any post type
3. Create a draft post in that post type
4. Copy + paste the full comma-separated list of terms into the flat taxonomy input field
5. Click "Add" to import the term list