Toolset plugins offer a built-in import/export functionality, which allows you to transfer what you have built from one website to another.
In our documentation pages, you can also find information on how to import content of an entire site into WordPress.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to give us some information about the data that you import/export.
Viewing 15 topics - 151 through 165 (of 291 total)
Problem: I would like to export custom field values from one of my custom post types into a spreadsheet.
Solution: There is nothing built-in to Toolset that will export post content to a spreadsheet, but you could create a View that includes the desired content in a table format, then preview the View, and copy + paste that content into some spreadsheet software. Otherwise, a 3rd-party plugin is needed to export post content to spreadsheet / CSV format.
Problem: Whenever I edit a Page I see the same warning message: "Conditions for displaying some custom fields on this page have changed". Even if I dismiss the warning and update the post, the warning returns next time I try to edit the Page.
Solution: Activate a default theme and deactivate all plugins except Types. Edit all the custom field groups associated with Pages. Twirl open each custom field and leave the panel open, then save the field group. Reactivate the theme and other plugins.