Layouts plugin allows you to design and customize the front-end display of your website. You can design entire pages, including header, footer, menus, content and all other elements.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the design that you want to achieve and the layouts that you have created so far.
Viewing 15 topics - 391 through 405 (of 487 total)
Add a view to a layout in order to have a dynamic banner section to pull content from a custom post type, located just under the tabbed Product Specs section.
Only the post body content pulls through, event custom html within the template for the view is stripped. Only the post body shortcode is not removed.
There is other plugin/theme adding filters to content template, you can suppress those filter by adding attribute suppress_filters="true" to content template shortcode [wpv-post-body], for example:
[wpv-post-body view_template="Loop item in Product Banner" suppress_filters="true"]
Toolset Layouts provides an Export/Import feature (Toolset > Export/Import > Layouts) that allows exporting either Export layouts to theme directory, or Export and download layouts.
The first will export each existing Layout as a .ddl file, the existing CSS as a .css file and the Layouts Settings as a .json file into the Theme's Directory.
It will not export JS saved.
It will not allow later to import back the .json file, because only .zip, .ddl or .css files are allowed in import.
Moreover, this is misleadingly described in the GUI and needs clear hints what-what does/is.
When Layouts is active a page outputs no content. De-activating Layouts the content appears.
There is a Layout template assigned to pages that is entirely empty, and so there is nothing to output on pages as long as the template is assigned.
Subscribers cannot see the link to an edit form, even though in Access they are given rights to edit the post type in question.
They are able to edit the posts in the backend, but they also need to be given rights to use the edit form (subscribers don't have such rights by default) at Toolset > Access Control > Forms.