Discover WP is the official Toolset training system and the easiest way to learn and explore Toolset plugins and themes.
You can experience the power of Toolset, learn and experiment with its plugins, creating fully functional websites in a simple and risk-free environment, without any PHP coding.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the type and desired features of a website that you are trying to build.
Customer wants to build a page for their members the page similar to pinterest Solution:
While we cannot share the code, we can certainly guide you on how to get the best out of Toolset.
We sent a few articles and tutorials showing examples of building sites with Toolset from scratch. The customer is able to pick one of the examples that is similar to what he needs to accomplish and adapt it to their context. Relevant Documentation:
Customer wanted to build a Classified listing web site and wanted to know if there were any documentation to support him in this task. Solution:
I shared with him our course specifically designed for Classified sites. Relevant Documentation:
The user would like to change the currency and the surface icon in the Real Estate demo site.
Regarding the $ symbol, it is used in the format of the price field inside the blocks template. Let's take the homepage as an example, and focus on the "Recent Properties" section, it is a view, where the price is added to the view's loop with the format "$FIELD_VALUE". Check this screenshot
If I use the format "FIELD_VALUE €" I'll get "2500 €" in the output.
Regarding the icon of the surface, it is being added as an image inside a "Fields&Text" block. Check this screenshot
You will need to make the loop editor larger by choosing this option