CRED plugin allows you to build front-end forms for creating and editing content. These forms can include all the fields that belong to the content and display them with your HTML styling. CRED forms also support input validation and automatic email notifications.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the structure and the settings of your form.
Viewing 15 topics - 2,146 through 2,160 (of 2,165 total)
An older site uses the cred_link_form shortcode to link to an edit form, and after an update the related post selector on the form stopped working.
This was unintended and we will look at updating this to maintain backwards compatibility, but in the meantime you can update how the Edit Forms are linked to to match current usage, as described in the linked documentation.
Updating plugins on an existing site using Divi where Toolset Forms are included in a page builder module (directly, or via a View) was breaking, causing JS errors in the browser.
Older sites which use square brackets to insert Toolset shortcodes need to update to use the [ shortcode ] format that is currently used because of a breaking update in Divi.
Problem: Is it possible to allow Guests to create posts by submitting Forms? I have set permissions for these Forms in Access Controls, but I'm still having problems submitting the Forms.
Solution: In this case, it looks like the transcript field ( file upload field ) is required. Guests, by default, are not allowed to upload Media. In order for a Guest to be able to upload a file to the Media Library, you must use custom code to allow that permission. I added this code to your functions.php file:
add_action( 'admin_init','reset_guest_caps' ,9 );
function reset_guest_caps(){
global $current_user, $wpcf_access;
if(isset($_GET['formid']) && $_GET['formid']==126&&$current_user->ID==0)
Problem: I have a View with a post date Query Filter, set to display posts whose publish date is after or equal to: Minute: PAST_ONE(19). However, the filter doesn't seem to be working as expected when I change the WordPress timezone value. It works when set to UTC.
Solution: Check the Query Filter and make sure you have set the Year, Month, Day, and Hour criteria to CURRENT_ONE, otherwise, you will not get the expected results.
I have a working form to edit a users post, linked from the users account page. I am trying to add a form to renew the post, which is very similar. However, when I try to test it, I get the error: "Form type and post type do not match"
I assume we are talking about a Toolset form for editing post, you are going to edit the specific post depends on the URL parameter "post_ids".
If it is, you can get the URL parameter value with shortcode [wpv-search-term], for example:
[wpv-search-term param="post_ids"],