Layouts plugin provides a drag-and-drop editor that is used from the WordPress administration. Using this editor, you can create layouts, assign them to specific content and design entire pages.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the design that you want to achieve and the layouts that you have created so far.
Viewing 15 topics - 121 through 135 (of 197 total)
Problem: The line breaks added in my WYSIWYG field are not shown on the front-end of my site.
Solution: We are aware of an issue with automatic paragraphs in certain WYSIWYG field circumstances, and we're working to resolve that. Until that time, you can use the wpv-autop tag along with output='raw', like this:
Problem: I have created a Layout that I want to apply to a custom post type. I am translating posts with Polylang, and I would like to show translated posts with a different Layout.
Solution: Instead of using different Layouts, use Polylang's string translation functions to translate specific content in the Layout.
Problem: When I assign a Content Template to a single post type for some CPT, I cannot use Elementor templates for the same single post type CPT.
Solution: This is to be expected, as Toolset Content Templates and Elementor templates are not meant to be used on the same post like this. In this case, the Content Template should remain unassigned.