Access is a WordPress plugin that lets you add custom roles and control their privileges.
Access User Guides include detailed documentation for controlling what actions different roles and users can do on content and what WordPress admin screens users can access.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 766 through 780 (of 935 total)
Problem: When I login to wp-admin, the normal dashboard is replaced with an unstyled form that says "Create a new Relationship Form" and "Use an existing Form".
Solution: Ask your host to activate the mbstring extension on your server.
Ich hab eine View erstellt die nach einem Custom Field die restultate ordert.
Es ercheinen aber nicht alle resultate oder keine.
Dies kann auf den orderby parameter ankommen.
Falls nicht alle posts dieses feld nach dem geordert wird gespeichert haben, werden solche posts ausgeschlossen von der View.
How could I cusomize the hint on the Toolset Login and Password form?
The Toolset login and password forms are a copy of the native WordPress forms, hence you can apply filters where you cannot already alter the settings with Toolset.
For example for the hint: