Access is a WordPress plugin that lets you add custom roles and control their privileges.
Access User Guides include detailed documentation for controlling what actions different roles and users can do on content and what WordPress admin screens users can access.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 721 through 735 (of 933 total)
Problem: I have set the default role to be Member, which is a custom role created by Access. If I log in as Editor, I would like to be able to create new Editor Users but each new User I create is added as a Member. I cannot change the role of an existing User. I have modified the Access capabilities to be able to add, edit, or delete Users.
Solution: Try adding the capabilities to list, promote, and remove Users. Those options are up towards the top of the list.
Please refer to screenshot, on the left you can see Editor is given full access, but look at the browser on the right, editor was logged in but couldn't edit any post (including custom post types)
If I unchecked "Managed by Access" the editor will be able to edit.
I have created several custom roles for a site and I'm using the dynamic pricing plugin.
Each time I need to create a specific dynamic pricing for a product, I need to list all roles in order to offer them the discount.
Is there a way with Access to group several roles into one (ie : meaning that when using this grouping role, all roles that are linked to it will be allowed.
There isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset Access plugin.