opcdisasterresponse.org is a site which was cloned from opcstm.org. We developed both websites and provide ongoing care for both of them as well.
Page load speeds on the opcdisasterresponse.org WordPress Dashboard tend to run 2x as SLOW as opcstm.org. For example, the Posts screen on opcstm.org takes 9.5 seconds to load. But on opcdisasterresponse.org, the Post screen takes 19 seconds to load.
The root cause seems to be a bunch of extra scripts loaded into the HEAD by Toolset (see attached image).
And these extra scripts seem to be something from newer versions of wp-views.
On OPCSTM, we're currently running the following plugin versions:
* Types 3.2.6
* Views 2.7.2
On OPC Disaster Response, we're running:
* Types 3.4.10
* Views 3.5.3
Are there some configuration options in the latest versions of Types and Views which can prevent code bloat on the WordPress Dashboard and thus increase Dashboard speed?
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
In the more recent versions of Toolset Types and Views/Blocks, there were a number of performance improvements introduced, so it is strange that the results are not the other way around.
Are both websites hosted on the same server and are now running the exact same plugins and theme?
I noticed they both seem to be served through Cloudflare. Can you please make sure that the Cloudflare features are disabled for the admin area pages?
( ref: hidden link )
In case the issue still persists, you're welcome to share temporary admin login details for the OPC Disaster Response website, along with the example post edit link where you experience slow loading times.
Note: Your next reply will be private and though no changes will be made on your website, please make a complete backup copy, before sharing the access details.