The exact way is: View «Kategorien» uses Content-Template «Loop item in Kategorien» which then includes View «Produktliste» which ultimately uses Conent-Template «Loop item in Produktliste»
Two problems with this:
1. Toolset adds theme's wrapper div's (e.g. div's with class "grve-container") even though on both Views respective option is disabled. This causes major styling issues.
2. Filters are not displayd (in the beginning at least first filter was working)
3. Second "Categories" filter not working
I expected to see: hidden link
Instead, I got: hidden link
As recommended solution does not work, referenced ticket is not yet resolved.
In case it's based on a faulty configuration I'm willing to pay for resolving the issues.
As you can read in my initial posting, there is a listing of (filterable) categories and within every category there need to be a listing of n subitems (products + peoples) connected to the respective product category.
I can't build this using the block editor as the products have to be listed in 3 columns per line (on desktop). => See the provided links in my initial posting
Therefore the column-structure is based in the VIEW «product list» ("Produktliste") and the html-element to show a specific product in the subsequential CONTENT-TEMPLATE.
To me, it does not matter with what editor or code basis the code is rendered. I just want it to work.
If you can provide any helpful information on how to solve my described problems, this is very welcome.