I'm trying to bulk import posts along with their relationships. I have a one to many relationship setup for two post types
Platforms <<>>Tuners
In that relationship, I have a custom field called "Tuning Categories". It's a checkboxes field with multiple selections:
I've attached a couple of pictures of the custom fields as they're setup.
I seem to be successful in being able to update a custom post and adding/modifying a relationship to another post. However, it doesn't look like I can easily update the custom field in the relationship.
I was attempting to update using the following tutorial:
You wrote that this is a one-to-many relationship, but if you have a relationship field "Tuning Categories" then that suggests you actually have a many-to-many relationship.
The steps to follow are somewhat different for one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, and if you are following the directions for one-to-many relationships in that case it may be problematic.
Can you clarify if the relationship is many-to-many, and is so that you are actually following the directions for many-to-many relatiopnships?
Do you have a staging site where we could examine the setup, and also the CSV files you would use to import the data? (These could be just a sample of the data, for testing.)
Let me mark your next reply as private so that we can get log-in credentials from you—you may want to create a temporary admin user for us to use that you can later delete. And be sure to have a current backup of your site.
I tried a few different ways with 2 different files. One is test import 1 and the other is testimport2. You can download them from the Manage Imports screen:
hidden link
testimport has all of the data. I was trying to import the tuner, and then connect the model with the tuner and edit the custom checkboxes field with the tuning categories (brakes/drivetrain/exterior/interior/power/suspension). This is a per relationship field: in other words, a single tuner can have multiple models, and a single model can have multiple tuners, but each model-tuner connection can have different categories. For instance, Bamford Rose (the sample data) tunes multiple models of Aston Martins, and it provides different types of parts for each of those. When I tried it this way, it would only add keep one connection (the last one in the sheet) and it would not edit the custom field.
I was able to edit testimport1 to follow the instructions for editing relationships (which places multiple columns in place for each relationship connection). However, this does not allow editing of the custom field for each connection. That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Well, it's not just the intermediary post. I'm actually able to import to some degree, the relationship between the two post types. What I'm not able to do yet is import the custom field from the relationship from the spreadsheet. I also didn't see it mentioned in the document you posted. Are you able to confirm that I can use that plugin to import the custom field from my relationship before I spend another $149 on another plugin?
Since I don't have a copy of WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin in my localhost, so I can not confirm it can import Toolset checkboxes field of intermediary post type, I have checked their document too: hidden link
Their document also mentioned it supports:
- Toolset intermediary post type
- Toolset custom checkboxes field
So at least, you can import the intermediary post type posts first, then update the custom checkboxes field value of custom checkboxes field.
And you can check it with their support to confirm it too: hidden link