I have several sites which were on the Beta channel for updates during development and have now been made live, so I no longer want them to be getting Beta updates.
There's now a beta for Views available, but I'm not able to switch back the the stable release channel - see attached screenshot. Am I missing something?
It seems like you can't switch channels unless you have the most current plugin versions of whichever channel you are in.
So if you are in the beta channel, before you can change to the production channel you need to update to the latest beta(s). Once you've done that you should then be able to switch to the production channel.
But, I just tried that and although I'm now in the production channel (and have the latest beta installed) it doesn't offer me the option to update my plugins from the beta versions to the latest production versions. Maybe it considers it a downgrade.
Anyway, something's not right. I need to pass this up to my colleagues to work out how to untangle the problem, and I'll get back to you.
It's escalated to the installer developer who should be able to come up with a fix, but in the meantime if you want to get back on track:
- you are currently in the beta channel but have the stable versions installed.
- you need to upgrade to the betas which will then allow you to switch to the production track
- you will be in the production track but have the betas installed (because it won't downgrade)
- delete the beta versions from the main plugin page
- you should then be able to install the production versions