Hi, finding the Toolset Content Template editor a bit difficult to work with, is there another alternative?
I Guess I could copy html and css to an external editor edit and copy it back to the Toolset template. Is this realistic or workable solution or can you suggest any other methods which might make editing more user friendly?
Hi David,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
If you prefer to work with raw HTML and CSS code, moving content from the preferred external code editor should work fine.
However, if you're open to adopting a new visual content builder tool, I'll recommend checking our new Blocks editor:
At the moment, it is available in Toolset Views beta, but it is planned to be included in the next stable release of Toolset Views.
( which is scheduled to be out, very soon )
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.