I am trying to set up the messaging system but the link to the documentation does not work. Please can you fix or send me the correct link to the page.
Welcome to Toolset support and I'd be happy to assist.
That guide related to the messaging system used the methods and functionalities which have been retired/obsolete, in favor of the new Blocks based editor.
( ref: https://toolset.com/2019/11/toolset-views-becoming-toolset-blocks/ )
We're constantly updating our documentation and guides in the scope of this new blocks editor and it is possible that a similar guide is added in the future again, but, I'm afraid, I don't have a time estimate to share at the moment.
Thank you for bringing this forward and I've passed on the information about this link to the concerned team so that it can be removed.
So can Toolset be used to create a messaging system? Is there any documentation that you can share withe me?
Hi Paul,
Thanks for writing back.
The Toolset plugins can still be used to create a messaging system, but that will need classic Views editor and some code customizations.
Here is a new link to that guide, with the detailed steps:
Note: This introduction post shares some overview of how different components work: