Dear sorry for reopening the ticket again but I did my best for weeks & days trying to configure the view for another one similar...using the same way you told me....but still nothing...I tried avoiding to write sorry.
hidden link
Is not showing the expected & desired results:
Youth has two subtaxonomies:
The Views that I created as yours just changed the slugs as the sent image.
hidden link
hidden link
hidden link
- Another issue for it seem complex for me & not sure of the results for other views:
Also to not write to show one generation only? Not 2nd or 3rd
1. Taxonomy A
Post 1.1
Post 1.2
2. Taxonomy B
Post 2.1
Post 2.2
Q: Shall I create only Parent & Child views the same way or the Parent, Child, Posts like what you taught me?
N.B. I know your advice about hiring a developer,
Actually we don't like to hire any developer as you recommend...for we are non-profit organization, so we bought your plugin to do the needed, & your help is appreciated to teach us & we will do it ourselves.
Million thanks.
Okay sir
Thanks a lot
I will follow here the reply & discussion....thanks for your help.
Thanks for the details, I can get your website credentials in your previous thread:
I am checking it in your website, will update here if there is anything found
Here are what I found:
I assume we are talking about taxonomy "youths" and posts
1) Please check these terms in taxonomy "youths" in your website
hidden link
There are only three terms
- Top level term "Monthly Book for the Daily Devotional for Youth الكتاب الشهري للتأملات اليومية للشباب", none post
-- 2nd level term "2017" , none post
- Top level term "Daily Devotional for Youth التأمل اليومي للشباب", with 31 posts
So in this case, you can display the post view in the parent taxonomy view(which is query top level terms):
hidden link
Section "Loop Editor", add the post view's shortcode:
[wpv-view name="posts-youth-ar"]
See the result in your website:
hidden link
click "Daily Devotional for Youth التأمل اليومي للشباب"
see screenshot: nested-view.JPG
It works fine.
For the question
Q: Shall I create only Parent & Child views the same way or the Parent, Child, Posts like what you taught me?
No, you don't need to use the same way, you just need to follow our document to setup the nested view according to your website settings:
Views Inside Views – Display Nested Multidimensional Lists
And I suggest you try it step by step easily, if there is any problem, new ticket please
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
Highly appreciate your efforts. And quick reply.