I am trying to: create repeating fields
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: n/a
Created a post type that is to ONLY be used for purposes of Repeating Fields (i.e. is a child of another post type).
Set "show_ui" to false, along with pretty much everything else.
Went to create Post Fields for this hidden post type and couldn't select it.
I believe this is a bug because it shouldn't only select post types where "show_ui" is true. I do not want to see the post type in the wp-admin UI, only as a repeating field when editing another post type.
Hi, if you're using the new plugin Release Candidates where you can create Repeating Field Groups (RFGs), then there is no need to create a new Post Type to hold the RFGs. They will not appear as a separate post type, only as a field group within any existing post type(s) you choose.
If you're not using the new plugin Release Candidates, please stand by because we are very close to releasing the M2M updates that we've been planning for quite a while now. Final QA is underway, which means the release will happen in a manner of days. The new plugins include updated Repeating Field Groups, which can be used like you're describing, without showing up as separate post types in the admin area. I invite you to check out the Release Candidates if you have not yet done so by going to https://toolset.com/account/downloads and switching to the beta plugins channel.
Sweet. Thanks for that heads up. I tried the beta and much better UI to setup. 🙂
FYI: I got this console error (hidden link) at
Should I be using Beta version of Views and Layouts if I have those installed as well?
(Just started building a new web app so this is perfect timing as I haven't even created a View or Layout yet.)
Well would you look at that... new versions! Very nice timing; what a blessing.
FYI: The latest entry at https://toolset.com/download/toolset-views/#changelog has some typos:
- forinerting data
- should this be in CRED's changelog instead of in Views'? -- "Fixed an issue with the cred-form-message shortcode when redireting (typo) to a page after submitting a CRED form."
- wpv-post-ield shortcode
Yes if you update any of the plugins you should update all of the plugins for best results. Thanks for the report on the spelling errors, I will pass those along to the documentation team.