I am trying to add a toolset field shortcode within another shortcode from another plugin. The code looks like this :
[wps_products product_id="4423215906909, 4296809152605, [types field='featured-product-1'][/types]" show_featured_only="true" excludes="description, buy-button" hide_quantity="true" page_size="3"]
The toolset field is a text field that should fill in the item number to pull from the other app.
The test page is here:
hidden link
It should only be pulling 3 items, but it is pulling everything.
The "Shortcode within shortcode" is a built-in feature of Toolset plugins, but the shortcode [wps_products] you mentioned above is from other plugin, it might not support this feature.
I suggest you try these:
1) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings-> Front-end Content
In section "Third-party shortcode arguments", add your custom shortcode name: wps_products,
and test again.
2) If above does not work, you might consider to create new shortcodes, or check it with the APP author of shortcode [wps_products] .
More help:
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!