Hi Support
I'm running into issues again using the basic Search Filters functionality.
I have a Custom Post Type FAQs and want to give the users the possibility to filter by the custom Taxomony "FAQ Categories" on our FAQs page. However, I only want certain FAQ Categories to be allowed to retrieved in the View. For example, let's say I have 10 FAQ Categories A-J. I want to let the users filter only by FAQ Categories A, B, F and G (eg as checkboxes) on the Front end, and only allow FAQ posts associated to those FAQ Categories to be retrieved from the query.
If I add the New Filter "FAQ Categories" to the Search and Pagination pane in the View, then I cannot set a query filter to limit the View to only show Categories A, B, F and G on the front end, because when I click the +Add a Filter button, "FAQ Categories" is greyed out.
Similarly, the other way round, if I start with the +Add a Filter button, I am able to limit the view to only the 4 FAQ Categories I want displayed on the front end, but then I cannot choose the FAQ Categories as a new Filter item in the Search and Pagination pane, in order to display the checkboxes as filter options.
I'm pretty sure this is the same problem that was due to the change in a recent version of the Views plugin, as confirmed by Nigel in our recent ticket a few weeks ago, (https://toolset.com/forums/topic/ajax-search-showing-incorrect-behaviour-in-search-filters/page/2/#post-2109161), which I feel is a step backwards in terms of functionality and flexibility of the search. In fact the search functionality detailed in that ticket changed in such a way, that we are not actually getting the desired search results that would be expected - which will be even more confusing for the users.
Feel free to have a play with the View "FAQ Search and Results View" on this site to try to achieve the required results.
Can you please advise:
1) how I can achieve this simple query in the FAQs (this ticket) to get past this either/or situation as it appears now? I need to be able to add a Filter to the Search and Pagination pane AND add an additional query filter based on the same item (FAQ Categories) to the Query Filter section.
2) Nigel talked in our previous ticket about "Legacy Views", as opposed to Blocks. In https://toolset.com/forums/topic/ajax-search-showing-incorrect-behaviour-in-search-filters/page/2/#post-2113033, Nigel says:
"The changes originate in how Blocks handles search filters so that rather than explicitly adding a Query Filter for each front end filter the underlying query gets generated on-the-fly (dynamically), and the effect on legacy Views is that although you can see the Query Filters that correspond to the front-end filters, you shouldn't be able to edit them, the editing needs to be of the front-end filter itself (which in a legacy View is the shortcode to generate the front-end filter).
The issue on your site is not that you cannot edit the Modes of Transport Query Filter—you shouldn't be able to—it is that you can edit the other Query Filters that correspond to front-end filters. And that's what I've escalated for the developers to investigate.", however the ticket closed before I got a chance to get back to it.
How can I go about addressing the incorrect search results appearing in the previous ticket? Should I reopen a new ticket referring to the previous one?"
Is Toolset planning to phase "Legacy Views" out altogether at some point in the future and only leave us with Blocks?!!
Thanks and best regards