Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the update and glad that my message helped.
> Please, I have a related question; Is there an advantage to using a Content Template within a View?
> One of the fields for Events is a Map location, is there a cache advantage?
- There is no cache advantage involved, but using a content template helps because:
1. The same content template can be reused for multiple views if the loop item content that needs to be displayed is the same.
2. In the case of long or complex content for a loop item, it is easier to manage in its own content template section, rather than having it inside the "Loop Editor" section, with the rest of the loop code.
3. The content that is generated through a content template can be processed through the "the_content" filter ( ref: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/the_content/ ), which is not possible if it is coming directly from the "Loop Editor".
> When creating a link to add a RFG to the CPT, is there a way to link to a Form if it is in a Layout?
> I found how to create a link to a Page containing the Form but not a Layout.
- If I understand correctly, you mean showing content from a Layout when it is not assigned to any page.
If that is correct, you can pass on the target layout's ID in a URL attribute "layout_id" and the page will be rendered using that target layout and not the usual/assigned layout.
For example, suppose your "Test page" ( yourwebsite.com/test-page/ ) is set to show content using a layout "Layout A" (ID: 123) and on some instances, you'd like the same page to show content from a different and unassigned layout "Layout B" (ID: 456).
For those instances, you can load the same page's URL with "layout_id" parameter:
yourwebsite.com/test-page/?layout_id=456 ( will show content using unassigned "Layout B" )
yourwebsite.com/test-page/ (will show content using regular/assigned "Layout A" )
Note: if you had something different in mind, please share more specific details with an example and I'll suggest something accordingly.