Hi Lance,
Thanks for the update and glad you've figured out the sorting.
If you'd like to show your listings, grouped by similar services on a page, you'll need to create two views:
1. First, you'll create a taxonomy view that lists or cycles through all the taxonomy terms in the "Services" taxonomy. This will act as a parent view.
2. Next, you'll create a post type view that will list all listings which are attached to a specific taxonomy term for services. In this view's query filter settings, you'll add the taxonomy filter for the services, selecting the option "Set by the parent Taxonomy View".
( example screenshot: hidden link )
3. After that, you'll nest this newly created post type view inside the taxonomy view created in step 1, by including its shortcode inside the "Loop Editor" section.
( example screenshot: hidden link )
4. As the last step, you can add the shortcode for your parent taxonomy view in the page where you'd like to show this grouped list.
Note: this kind of grouping can be added to a new page, but not to your existing view which has search filters for example:
hidden link
This is because front-end search filters can be added to views that list post types, but not for taxonomy views.
The "Lorem ipsum dolor" text seems to be coming from the "Elementor" plugin's widget added at the bottom of the page's content. Please open the page's edit screen and check the last row in the Elementor plugin's visual editor.
Note: As per our support policy, only one question or issue can be addressed in a single ticket.
( https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/ )
In the future, please open a new ticket for each new question or concern, to ensure efficient and timely assistance.