I am trying to: set up my custom post type with repeatable fields. I wanted to use specific names for the groups but I made a mistake and forgot to save them last time and they naturally disappeared.
When I tried to use those names again and save the content I got a message saying those slugs are already in use.
I have tried it in my localhost with below steps, it works fine, I can recreate the repeatible field group with the same slug as deleted field group.
I suggest you check if there is other page/post using the same slug, it will conducts the problem you mentioned above.
If there is, you will need to change the slug of Repeatable Group or page/post slug to something else.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Sorry for not being clear, this custom post type with the repeater groups is the first thing I have done on my website since I have just barely started constructing it. It is not possible for me to have a slug with these names. If it helps, the slug names that I cannot use are Leaf, Flower, Fruit, Stem, Bark, Root.
Im not sure if this makes any difference but I didn't delete it. I created it, I never saved it and then I accidentally reloaded the page.
So I was able to give repeatable groups the plural of their names like Leaves, Flowers, etc., but the singular forms still cannot be used.
I have tried the same name "Leaf, Flower, Fruit, Stem, Bark, Root" in my localhost, it shows a message in "Group slug": Please enter no more than 20 characters.
So I have changed the group slug to: leaf-flower-fruit
It works fine, reloaded the page, fill the same values, I can save the repeatiable field group without any problem. see screenshot:
So the problem is abnormal, please check these:
1) Make sure you are using the latest version of Toolset plugins, you can download them here:
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2020, deactivate all custom PHP/JS code snippets, and test again
3) Also check if there is any PHP/JS error in your website:
4) If the problem still persists, please provide database dump file(ZIP file) of your website, also point out the problem page URL and field group URL, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!