I reviewed https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/functions/#image and didn't see a built-in way to return the Attachment ID instead of the Attachment URL.
Please advise. If not available at this time, please add to your feature requests.
Hi Clifford,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Your observation is correct and Types Fields API ( https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/functions/#image ), doesn't offer a built-in method to get the attachment ID.
You're welcome to submit this as feature request through our dedicated form:
For now, you can use "attachment_url_to_postid" function from WordPress ( ref: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/attachment_url_to_postid/ ) in a custom shortcode, to get the attachment ID through Attachment URL.
function get_image_id_from_url_func( $atts )
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'url' => ''
), $atts );
// get the image's ID from its URL
$image_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $atts['url'] );
if( !empty($image_id) ){
return $image_id;
add_shortcode( 'get_image_id_from_url', 'get_image_id_from_url_func' );
Note: The above code snippet can be included through either Toolset's custom code feature ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/adding-custom-code/using-toolset-to-add-custom-code/ ) or through active theme's "functions.php" file.
After that, you'll be able to use this new shortcode, to get the ID from the image field like this:
[get_image_id_from_url url="[types field='image-field-slug' output='raw'][/types]"]
You'll replace "image-field-slug" with the actual slug of your image field.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
Thanks for such a helpful response!
I saw attachment_url_to_postid() but thought it was to get the Post the Media File was attached to, not the File's own Post ID. That's what I needed.
As a suggestion, I'd request the Image field to add an 'ID' output attribute, alongside 'raw' and 'normal'