Tell us what you are trying to do?
I am using Elegant Themes EXTRA THEME with DIVI builder.
With this I cannot create a Custom Post Type because according to their support they cannot display it with their Category builder.
1. So I have decided to create 2 types of posts: regular and recipes.
2. If the site's editor creates a post with post type recipe it should show a couple of fields to fill (time to cook, difficulty level, cuisine etc. ) out and taxonomies as well (e.g. ingredients).
3. If a post is a recipe then on the front end these extra fields should show up.
4. I would like to create a search based on these new fields.
My problems:
1. I would only like to modify the template of single-post.php and does not want to build it from scratch. I like the way it looks now, I would only like to add the new fields. I canot find a way to do this, please help me out.
2. I would like to create an Ingradients listing option.
What is the difference between creating a flat ingredients taxonomy for Post.
Or creating regular post/recipe choser and a conditional group of fields for Recipes and in that group creating a single line text for Ingredients.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Thanks in advance.
Dear Zsuzsa,
Q1) I would only like to modify the template of single-post.php and does not want to build it from scratch. I like the way it looks now, I would only like to add the new fields. I canot find a way to do this, please help me out.
I assume you are going to modify your theme file "single-post.php", and display custom fields created by Types plugin, if it is, you can setup custom PHP codes to display the custom field value using Types function types_render_field (), see our document:
Q2) What is the difference between creating a flat ingredients taxonomy for Post.
Or creating regular post/recipe choser and a conditional group of fields for Recipes and in that group creating a single line text for Ingredients.
I assume we are talking about the difference between custom taxonomy and repeatable field groups.
A flat taxonomy works just like the wordpress built-in taxonomy "Tags", you can choose/create new tags in that taxonomy, but you can not setup quantity of ingredient for each Recipe.
But repeatable field groups can do this job for you, for example:
- Recipe 1
ingredient A : quantity 10
- Recipe 2
ingredient B : quantity 8
So I suggest you setup a repeatable field groups "ingredient" for post type "Recipe"
See our document: