its a user registration form
I got to this part
"First, you need to insert the shortcode for displaying user information:
In the Notification e-mail subject editor, click the Fields and Views button.
Find the user field you want to display and click to insert it.
In the User selection pop-up dialog that appears, select Author of the current post and click Insert shortcode."
I click on the subject field, I click the fields and views, I select the username field but no user selection pop up with this option, I get the options
display data for
The current user or the one being displayed in a View loop
A specific user
what am i missing?
btw in your examples i see shortcodes that have 'types' in my they dont. I want to receive their email for example the shortcode produced is
[wpv-user field="user_email"]
Hello, the part of the lesson you referenced is specifically referring to displaying the values from User custom fields created in Types, not standard WordPress User fields like username, email, and password. Those standard fields are typically displayed using Views shortcodes like wpv-user, but Types User custom fields are displayed using the Types usermeta shortcodes. I think that is the main difference here. If you try to display custom fields from the User profile, the system will generate a Types field shortcode. If you try to display a standard User field, the system will generate the appropriate Views shortcode. The popups for inserting those shortcodes are a bit different, and that is why you see different options when trying to display the standard user email field.
I hope this helps clarify things.
Where do I find the doc for setting up the email notification for user registration?
You can find it here: https://toolset.com/course-lesson/send-notifications-when-someone-submits-the-form/
If you need additional information feel free to create a new ticket.
In the Notification e-mail subject editor, click the Fields and Views button.
Find the user field you want to display and click to insert it.
In the User selection pop-up dialog that appears, select Author of the current post and click Insert shortcode.
Find the user field you want to display and click to insert it.
Which category of fields is this? user data, basic data?
I want to simply add the user name surname etc, it is a registration form? please give an example full
How was this resolved? I still need help, please share 1-2 examples please
I've created a separate ticket where we can discuss adding fields in an email notification from a registration Form.