I would like to have a newsletter subscription form - name, email, submit.
Submitting the form triggers email confirmation with verification link and write the name, email to custom newsletter post type.
Visitor clicks email verification link and goes to a new page that upon loading will change a checkbox field in the newsletter post for this person from 0 to 1 to confirm that this email address has been verified, trigger a second email to the visitor confirming their subscription, and present them with a second form that will let them provide more information such as birthdate, preferences, etc. Should they choose to provide more information, this data should be added to the same newsletter post that was created earlier with this person's name and email.
Finally, upon submitting this last form, verify their preferences have been updated via the web page and trigger a third email confirming their preferences.
In any email they receive, they should be able to click a link that will allow them to unsubscribe. This changes another checkbox in that person's newsletter post from 0 - 1 to indicate that the subscription was cancelled.
All of this without logging in.
If they later choose to create an account, then they should be able to access and update their newsletter subscription preferences.
If this newsletter post is created, I also need for it to remain private. I won't link to it from anywhere, but I don't understand if it can/needs to be published to accomplish all of this and if it is published, if search engines will find it somehow.
Can Toolset do something like this? I'm not a programmer so I can't really do custom anything. I got as far as creating the first form and sending the notification email but then I couldn't figure out the verification link. Thinking farther ahead, I also have no idea how I would be able to identify the visitor and the post that needs updating because I don't want them to have to log in. Even if they log in, I'm not sure how to identify the user and match the user up to a page. I will need to know how to identify the logged in user and match them up to specific pages regardless of whether or not this newsletter workflow is doable.
Thanks in advance for your help!