When I visit the page Toolset > Campos personalizados I can see that you have set up several field groups "Grupo de campo para Empresas", most of which are empty (screenshot).
The first thing you should do is organise this section, removing field groups that are not required and putting the individual fields inside the field groups which make most sense.
Regarding the issue itself, it seems like you want to be able to add labels ("etiquetas") when you output custom fields which are "dynamic" rather than static text.
Before recommending a solution I would first ask why.
I see this is a multilingual site, and if the reason you want to make the field labels "dynamic" is so that you can translate them, then you don't need to add another custom field to store the label, we have a solution for that already.
You can wrap text in a "wpml-string" shortcode and then that text will be available to translate in the WPML String Translation module.
I'm guessing that this is what you actually need to do, but if you do need to create a custom field for the labels then let me know and add a demonstration.
Hi I deleted de fields wihch where empty and I´m trying to organise the individual fields inside the field groups, but I´m experimenting troubles with the slugs, because they already exist, they should be somewhere..... And I cannot put the same that i had before.....
On the page Toolset > Campos personalizados use the button "Control de campo de entrada" which will take you to a page listing all custom fields that have entries in the database or are defined already in Types and you can delete unwanted fields from there so that you can again use the same slug as previously.
Hi Nigel, I´m a bit in a rush with this... I did what you said but still not working.. I add every single custom type in his own field group see attached file then I use the shortcut in a way you showed to me, but still not showing nothing.
The reason that I want that is because I want to translate everything to English.... I´m using polylang plugin. I´m still trying to find the way to translate that with this plugin..
Well, the wpml-string shortcode is intended for use with WPML, it's not going to work with Polylang.
You could achieve the same result if you add some code to register the strings that you want to be able to translate with Polylang, and then create your own custom shortcode to output the translated strings.
So you would be using Polylang string translation: hidden link
You would register the strings for the labels using pll_register_string() (hidden link).
Hi Nigel, thanks for your reply. I aprecciated your help but I´m not too family with what you are talking about. As far I know if a could show titles from custom fields, I could translate the strings from polylang to english, it would be easier for me. I need to show the title somehow ...
I was thinking I could also make a new custom type "companies" and add a custon layout in english.. but whn I make a new custom type wordpress doens´t show feature image......
Perdona he visto que puedes dar servicio en español.. Quizás aí te entienda mejor..
Gracias por tu ayuda, pero como te comento en el mensaje anterior no estoy muy familiarizado con la solución que preopones..
Quizás podría crear un nuevo custom type llamado companie y ahi cargar todas la empresas de nuevo y insertar sus custom fields en inglés, y asignarle una plantilla tb en inglés y hacer que se muestre mediante el widget en las páginas que yo quiero... pero el problema viene ahora que intento crear el nuevo custom type companie y no me aparece la caja featured image. He intentado mediante opciones de pantalla en el menu arriba a la derecha pero no aparece.....
Perdona por el Caos, pero me esta costando bastante entender el plugin y todos su funciones..
Para poder ver la caja de "featured image" tendrás que ir a Toolset > Tipos de Entradas y editar el tipo pertinente y verás la opción de habilitar imagenes destacadas para este tipo de entrada (pantallazo).