hidden link
We intend to display the content of a guide for motorhome tourist. The customer can, after logging in, via a map with markers be linked to posts which contain information about places for overnighting (hosts). The posts are dynamically created. On the post there will among other information be a map.
The starting map with markers for all hosts will hav markers with short information on the host together with an image and a link to the host's post.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Toolset documentation.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
Ther are some pubished issue which looks similar to our problems.
Attach some error presented by WordPress (also as an image):
1. Concerning problem with Map-block and Fields and Text
When trying to use the Map-block, the following shows up inside the selected area.:
Detta block har stött på ett fel och kan inte förhandsgranskas. (Swedish)
This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed. (Translated)
2. Warnings when opening a post
When open a post the following warnings can be seen for one or two seconds, before the post is displayed. I had to take a photo to be able to read the text.
Warning array map{} [function array map. Expexted parameter 2 to be an array, null given in /var/ on line 325
Warning array unique{} expects parameter 1 to be array given in /var/ on line 326
Warning array intersect key{} (function array intersect key]. Expected parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/ on line 327
Warning array unique{} expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/ on line 289
Something went wrong while fetching the dynamic content from the selected source, with message: "Svaret är inget giltigt JSON-svar.". = (“The response is not a valid JSON response”.)
Trygve Bringhammar