I have two problems related to images.
I am trying to:
Display the image url for a large thumbnail.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
The larger image in the slider should be the large thumbnail for that image. I'm using the following shortcode in a content template to display the large thumbnail image url.
[types field="building-photos" size="large" url="true" output="raw"][/types]
Instead, I got:
The full size image url is used instead of the large thumbnail url. If I remove output="raw" from the shortcode, an image with "wpcf" in the url is created. Views is creating new crops of the image even though the thumbnail crops I want to use already exist. I have unchecked all the image resizing options in settings.
I am trying to:
Display thumbnail of an image.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
The small navigational images should use the thumbnail size for that image. I'm using the following shortcode in a content template.
[types field="building-photos" size="thumbnail" align="none" separator="</div><div>"][/types]
Instead, I got:
An image with "wpcf" in the url. Views is creating new crops of the image even though the thumbnail crops I want to use already exist. I have unchecked all the image resizing options in settings.
Q1) This is expected result, attribute output="raw" will output full image URL,
In your case, you can try another attribute url="true", for example:
[types field="building-photos" size="large" url="true" url="true"][/types]
See our document:
Q2) This is a known issue, please try to add attribute resize='proportional' to your shortcodes, like this:
[types field="building-photos" resize='proportional' size="thumbnail" align="none" separator="</div><div>"][/types]
And test again