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How to duplicate the post
when you navigate to:
=> Toolset => Post types => with each post type item you will see "Duplicate" link when you mouse hover on post type item.
I used your plugin to create this form: hidden link which our grantees can fill out to create a page that looks like this: hidden link
I'm realizing now that we didn't "future proof" this because if the same grantee tries to submit a new report, there'll be no way based on the URL for us to distinguish which is the new report and which is the old one.
So, I was thinking it would be useful for us to insert the year in the URL structure like this: hidden link
I know how to do this for regular blog posts, but not for custom post types.
Additionally, You need to set the rewrite option by edit your post type:
=> navigate to options section
=> with rewrite checkbox select option "Use a custom URL format" and add 2018
=> save your post type
Hello Minesh. I was able to accomplish part of what I set out to do, but not all.
I was able to add the 2017 slug to all of the custom post types created in 2017. You can see an example here: hidden link
Now, we are of course in 2018 and I'd like to have our CRED form add 2018 to all new posts created. The thing is that if I change 2017 to 2018 in the options section it also changes all the 2017 posts over to ones with 2018.
Is there a way to keep all the 2017 post urls as they are and add the 2018 slug only to the new ones?
Is there any way to duplicate my post type so that I don't have to go through all the steps of creating a new one. It's been a while since I created it and can't remember how I did it.
Well - when you navigate to:
=> Toolset => Post types => with each post type item you will see "Duplicate" link when you mouse hover on post type item.