It looks like re-importing the Joomla content including the Mosets data resolved this issue.
A related issue that I have is: how do you display text labels for custom fields that are conditional. For example, if I have fax number field that is only populated for certain listing posts, how can I can have that label hidden on the front end when no fax number value is present.
Fax Number (Show if fax number included in post, hide if not)
123 456-7890
You can wrap the label and the value of the field in a conditional block that checks for the value. If it is empty, it won't display both the label and the value's block. If the value exists it will display both. Check this article https://toolset.com/course-lesson/using-toolset-conditional-block/
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
I have followed the documentation, but most of the fields that could be selected are not visible in the list. See the attached screenshot from Firefox for macOS.
The steps I took to setup the conditional block were:
1. Create a container block
2. Insert a block that uses the post body
3. Insert a conditional block
4. Added a new condition to the block
5. Activated the left dropdown to find a specific field (only shows what is in the screenshot)
6. I tried adding a single field block to the template, but this did not help.
Any ideas?
Based on the screenshot, you should choose "Post data" in the first dropdown. Then it will display another dropdown to choose which type of data(default fields, or custom field, etc.), choose the custom field group, then you can choose the field.
Then, not empty on the condition. Or choose to be different than "Static value" and keep the second input empty.
If you still feel stuck, allow me temporary access to your website, share URL where I can this conditional block, and let me know what field. I'll prepare it for you and share screenshots about it.
Thanks for the tip.
I have figured out where the custom fields are and should be good to go.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!