Tell us what you are trying to do?
When I create a content template for a post type, it does not follow the max Content width setting in Elementor. It goes full width instead. I cannot see anywhere in the block editor to set the width for Content Templates.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
No, can't find any.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
The Toolset Content Template is different from Elementor Template, content template does not apply Elementor styles by default, I suggest you try to follow our document to setup the Elementor Template instead of Content Template for single post, you can also display Toolset custom fields in Elementor Template:
Create templates for custom post types with Elementor and Toolset
Hi Luo,
Thanks, I am aware that I can use shortcodes to pull dynamic data into Elementor.
Ultimately what I am trying to do is to build a content template that will have filters for several hundred posts. Can the filters be built in Elementor? Or does that need to be built into a Content Template? If so, I need to know how to adjust the page widths of the template. Please advise how to do this.
What kind of filter are we talking about?
Is it custom search form?
If it is, WordPress Blocks(Gutenberg) editor and Elementor editor are both page builders, it is not recommended to use both of them to design the same page, it will conduct some unexpected results.
In your case, you are asking for building a page/post with Elementor styles, so you can try these:
1) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings-> General:
In section "Editing experience", enable option "Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build"
2) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Views:
Follow our document to setup the post view with custom search form using classic editor:
3) Create a page, and design with Elementor editor, display above post view shortcode in the content.
Hi Luo,
If we can just focus on 1 thing, and fix that, I'd appreciate it.
The problem of the content template not adhering to the theme's content width.
I created two identical content templates. One for 'Posts' and one for a custom post type called 'Mods'. They both only have shortcode for the featured image and the post title.
Here is a post with the content template applied: hidden link
Here is a 'mod' with the content template applied: hidden link
As you can see, even though they were created in the exact same way, the one for mods does not respect the content width set by the theme.
I don't see how this could be a problem with anything except Toolset. Is it a bug? Please advise how to fix.
Thanks for the details, I have compared both URLs you mentioned above, the problem is in CSS class of HTML body tag, there is a extra CSS class name in HTML body tag: elementor-page-9961, see screenshot elementor-page-9961.JPG
Remove it, then fixes the problem, see screenshot elementor-page2.JPG
Above CSS class name outputs from your theme files, you can locate it and remove it.
Or you can change your CSS file:
hidden link
Remove those CSS codes:
More help:
hidden link
Hi Luo,
Thanks for that information, we're getting there. I'm not interested in a custom fix for this particular incidence of the problem, I want to stop it from happening again.
What doesn't make sense is why 2 content templates that were created the exact same way are behaving differently. The only difference between them is that one is applied to the "Posts" post type, the other one (the one that is a problem) is applied to a custom post type called "mods". Why would they be treated differently?
As I mentioned above the problem is in your theme file, it outputs extra CSS class name "elementor-page-****" in single "mods" post , and your theme CSS codes can only style post without that CSS class, so it conducts the problem, you will need to remove that CSS class name from single "mods" post, since I don't have a copy of your theme file in my localhost, I am not sure how to remove it, you can also contact your theme author for it.