I've created a Divi section and I'm trying to set its background image dynamically so that it displays a specific background image depending on the current page/post being viewed.
I've used Types to create a custom post field where a background image can be uploaded whenever a new page/post is created. Now I need to use this background image to specify the background of the Divi section.
Is this possible with the Toolset+Divi integration? The problem to me seems to be that when dealing with background images, Divi doesn't give you any form of text field to enter a shortcode into.
Dear Peter,
We retired the old integration plugins, including the Toolset+Divi integration plugin:
So there isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset plugins, If you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
I'm aware the old Divi Integration plugin has been retired. I'm talking about the new integration found here...
... and here...
We can now build a layout using Divi plus fields and views from Toolset... "Displaying fields inside any Divi Module". I was hoping to use a custom post field to set the background image of a Divi section but I don't see any place in Divi to place the shortcode created by Toolset.
Thought you might know how to achieve this.
I've now added a code module in Divi and am using some jquery css code plus my Toolset-created shortcode to change the Divi section background image when the page loads. Not perfect as there's a small delay displaying the image but it's the best solution I could come up with.
If you have a better suggestion I'd be glad to hear it, otherwise this will work for now I guess.
If you don't have a better suggestion, feel free to mark this thread as resolved.
Thanks for sharing the workaround, as I mentioned above, there isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset plugins, If you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.