Tell us what you are trying to do?
I am building a new website (see previous tickets). I started on hidden link, but there is a problem with that one and your Support Minesh is helping me on this one. Meanwhile I have installed a new WordPress and Woocommerce to continue work. Today I was making custom fields to edit my Single Product template and I am trying for 3 hours now to sort this: Field Group, after I create it, will not show on "Edit Product" page. However (!), there is one already that was created by default called "WooCommerce Views filter fields" - and (!!) if I go there and add a field, it shows and works. But I would like to create fields for different groups as I plan to have a group for each taxonomy.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I follow this guide:
Is there a similar example that we can see?
You can see it in wp-admin, I can share the credentials, but to save time - I have described it in detail above
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Important info:
Before you ask me - I have no plugins installed besides:
Toolset plugins
Genesis Navigation Pro theme and their plugins
Yoast SEO Premium pligin.
I have deactivated them all before writing you and it didn't help.
Appreciate your support
I can get your website credentials in your another thread:
And I can login your website, here are what I found:
1) I assume we are talking about custom field group "Field Group for Products":
hidden link
2) Edit a product post, for example:
hidden link
I can see those custom field inputs without any problem
Where can I see the problem you mentioned above: Field Group, after I create it, will not show on "Edit Product" page?
Please check this, in the page top right, click "Screen Options" link, make sure you have enabled option "Field Group for Products", see screenshot Screen-Options.JPG
Hi Luo Yang, thank you for your help.
> I can get your website credentials in your another thread:
> 1) I assume we are talking about custom field group "Field Group for Products":
hidden link
> 2) Edit a product post, for example:
hidden link
No, that is not correct. On hidden link everything with "Field Group for Products" works perfectly.
I wrote: " I started on hidden link, but there is a problem with that one and your Support Minesh is helping me on this one. Meanwhile I have installed a new WordPress and Woocommerce to continue work."
So I have installed NEW WordPress and Woocommerce becuase on original website there is DIFFERENT problem that Minesh is still working on with Developers department. But to continue work and save time, I have activated another Wrodpress and after I started working on it I have discovered that there I can not create "Field Group for Products":
"What is the link to your site?
hidden link"
I'd like to give you access so you'll need to activate private fields so I could share credentials for:
!!! hidden link !!!
hidden link
Thank you again
OK, private message box enabled, please also point out the problem post URL, where I can see the problem:
after I create it, will not show on "Edit Product" page?
Thanks for the details:
I assume we are talking about the field group "Field Group for Products":
hidden link
Please check above URL, in section "Settings for Field Group for Products", you are using below condition:
Appears on ... Term(s): Single Tours
So I have tried to create a new product post here:
hidden link
In section "Product categories", choose term "Single Tours", save.
I can see the custom field group "Field Group for Products" without any problem.
If you don't need that condition, you can remove it.
Thank you so much, Luo Yang. I think I must be doing something wrong.
I see it under your link, but I don't see it if I go to Toolset>Edit Group:
hidden link
Where in the menu is your link? I'm just trying to understand what did I do wrong
under the link I posted - I only see
"Settings for WooCommerce Views filter fields" but not "Field Group for Products"
and under your link I see "Field Group for Products" but not "Settings for WooCommerce Views filter fields"
But I don't understand how different are these pages
Please try these:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Custom Fields, you should be able to see the group lists.
I have just went to Dashboard and created new Field group: "Field Group for Products2", created Single Line field, saved, set everything to "Single Product" and it won't show 🙁
I'm doing something wrong
I can see the problem you mentioned above, this issue is abnormal, please try these:
1) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2020, and test again
2) Also check if there is any PHP/JS error in your website:
I think finding an error in PHP/JS would be impossible for me as I'm not a developer and I can't afford one at the moment.
It's a raw website with nothing installed. Do you think it'll help if I just delete it and reinstall everything?
You can try as I mentioned above:
1) deactivate all other plugins and switch to 2020 theme
2) If the problem is fixed, then activate other plugins/theme one by one, try to locate the problem source.
Ok, I found it. It happens when I activate the theme. As soon as I switch to 2020 it all works. I'll leave this open and contact Genesis support. Will tell you what they say so we would know what the problem is
I have marked this thread as "waiting for feedback" status, please update here if you need more assistance for it, thanks
Just an update to help you with more info. We have found that the problem only occurs when Genesis Child Theme is activated. When I only have Genesis active, all works perfectly.
BUT. Before I discovered Toolset I have purchased a plugin called ACF PRO - it creates Custom Field Groups. Here is their website: hidden link
And now I have decided to activate it just to see if it works. This plugin has no conflict with Genesis Child Theme and works perfectly, and created all Custom Fields I needed.
Therefore - I believe that there is a conflict bewtween Toolset and Genesis Child Theme (Navigation Pro Theme).
I hope this helps. It would be wonderful if you fixed that so I could only use Toolset without Third Party plugins as I like your platform and would like to use it everywhere