I have created a loop on the link hidden link which has some last dates. I don't want to show them after the expiry dates.
How do you setup the "expiry date"?
If it is a custom date field, you can add a date filter into the post view, and display only the posts are not expired:
If you are using Toolset Post Forms to setup the expiration date, you can follow our document to update the post status after posts are expired:
I am trying to do this with the custom date field but it is not filtering as also visible in the screenshot.
I am trying to display only those posts which have a custom date field greater than today.
Also, I am looking for the same solution for this page hidden link, it is the custom archive page I want to know about the feasibility of the same.
You just need to setup the date field filter as below:
Select items with field:
YOUR-DATE-FIELD is a number greater than TODAY()
See below test site:
Login URL:
hidden link
Page with view block:
hidden link
In frontend, it shows correctly:
hidden link