Because I found no way to show archives from my CPT inside a page (working with Elementor) I took the archive page directly to display the events. If it would be possible to add archive views inside a page I could create a page for each kind of event and enter the texts there.
If you want to display a list of Event posts in an arbitrary location, like a page created with the Elementor builder, you can create a View instead of using Toolset's WordPress Archives. To create a View and insert it in an Elementor design, enable the legacy Views editor. If you do not enable the legacy Views editor, it is not easy to create a View outside of the post editor or the Content Template editor. You'll need that ability to create a standalone View. To enable the legacy Views editor, go to Toolset > Settings > General tab and adjust the "Editing experience" option. Choose the option that enables both the Blocks editor and the legacy editor. Save this change and refresh the page. Now you will find a new admin menu item for Views under the main Toolset menu. Now go to Toolset > Views to create a View using the legacy editor. I can help you with this process if you get stuck. The documentation here on the site is mostly geared towards the new block editor approach, so I will walk you through the steps. In the first popup that appears when you click "Add New" to create a new View, you will normally choose "Display the results using a custom search" if you plan to include custom search filters on the front-end. Otherwise, normally you will choose "Display all results". Give the new View a name and click Create View to enter the legacy View editor.
Next, choose the Event post type in the Content Selection section. Then add a Query Filter to filter the Event type. I'm not sure from your description so far how you are defining the Event "type" - as a custom field of some kind, or a custom taxonomy of some kind, most likely. You will use the Query Filter panel to add a filter will be based on that field or taxonomy term, specified by a URL parameter like "eventarturl", if I understand correctly.
Next, scroll down and click "Loop Wizard" to begin designing the View output. Choose an output style and insert fields, taxonomies, or other standard information about each post. Be sure the "Use a Content Template" checkbox is checked if you want to use the Block Editor to design the loop template. After you finish using the loop wizard, you can find a button to edit the template in the Block Editor if you'd like. Otherwise, complete the loop design using shortcodes in the loop editor.
After you create a View using the legacy editor, you can insert it in an Elementor design using the View element (available in the Elementor builder), or using our View shortcode:
[wpv-view name="your-view-slug"]
Next, let's clarify the difference between WordPress Archives and Views, because these two terms in Toolset refer to different things. Toolset offers the features WordPress Archives and Views. They both produce similar things - lists of posts of some kind. Views can also produce lists of Users and lists of Taxonomy Terms, but WordPress Archives always produce lists of posts of some kind. You can add front-end and backend filters, sorting, pagination, etc. to modify the results of WP Archives and Views. The output style can be adjusted to produce grids, collages, ordered lists, unordered lists, tables, sliders, and completely custom designs in Views and WP Archives. The main difference between these two features is the location where these lists can be displayed on the front-end of the site. Views can be displayed in any location where you can add content arbitrarily, like in a Post, a Page, a custom post type, a Content Template or Elementor template applied to a post or page, nested inside a WordPress Archive, or nested inside another View - pretty much anywhere you have a rich text editor available, you can insert a View by using a shortcode.
Toolset's WordPress Archives cannot be placed in arbitrary locations, they can only be used at certain specific URLs on your site. WordPress reserves specific URLs for archive purposes. If you have a custom post type called "Events" and the slug of that post type is "event", WordPress reserves the URL to display the Events post type archive. Toolset's WordPress Archives are used to design these archive lists. Other URLs are reserved for taxonomy archives, author archives, search archives, and blog / post archives. You can use Toolset's WordPress Archive feature to design the contents of these archive URLs, but a WordPress Archive cannot be displayed at any arbitrary location like in a Page, a custom post, a Content Template, or nested inside a View. A WordPress Archive can only be shown at the reserved URL for that archive type. You cannot place a Toolset WordPress Archive inside an Elementor template or builder design, but you can place a View in an Elementor template or builder design. If you want to use Elementor's Archives feature, it is not recommended to use Toolset's WordPress Archive feature.
Now back to your issue:
As you can see, on both archives are the same heading and text. The text is static in the archive editor. I already tried it with conditional blocks, but couldn't find how to set the URL Parameter for the logic.
Toolset offers a shortcode wpv-search-term that can be used to access the value of any URL parameter by name:
For example, consider this URL:
If I place this code in the editor, I will see Param: BRCafe appear on the front-end of the site:
Param: [wpv-search-term param="eventarturl"]
You can use this shortcode in a conditional block to test the value of the eventarturl URL param. You must activate the advanced conditional editor to configure this conditional correctly. Use this syntax in the advanced conditional criteria editor:
( ( '[wpv-search-term param="eventarturl"]' eq 'BRCafe' ) )
Screenshot attached here. Anything you place inside this conditional block will be displayed when the eventarturl URL parameter equals BRCafe.
Create a second conditional block to test for the URL parameter value Seminar. The advanced conditional syntax for that case looks similar to the previous one, just swap out the test string:
( ( '[wpv-search-term param="eventarturl"]' eq 'Seminar' ) )