I am trying to:
Access my custom post archives - these were working fine but have appeared to have suddenly disappeared, perhaps due to a WordPress update?
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
The custom post archive I have created, with map, custom filters etc.
Instead, I got:
Some type of generic of theme Archive that does not reflect the archive I have made.
I have tried the URL you mentioned above, it works fine, I can see the some posts in that page.
Is this problem resolved?
And if you see a blank WordPress page, you can enable PHP debug mode, and provide the PHP debug logs for reference:
Hi there,
It looks like you didn't get a chance to read my whole question.
As mentioned above, the actual toolset view includes a map, filters, and other custom elements. Instead of seeing that custom archive, I am now only seeing the default WP view (no map, no filters, etc.)
Can you help me with this?
Sorry for the misunderstand, I have checked source HTML codes of the URL you mentioned above, there isn't Views HTML wrapping codes in it, so the problem is abnormal.
Since you are using "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin, please check these:
1) Make sure you have followed our document to setup the Views WordPress Archive:
See screenshot:
Check if you have enabled the option for post type "k-12-program"
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, switch to wordpress default theme 2019, and test again
3) If the problem still persists, please a copy of your website, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks
I have an issue using the Toolset / duplicator function, because it continually says my site is too big when I try to upload it here. Can I please give you login credentials or perhaps share the site a different way?
Yes, you can put your duplicator package in your google drive disk, and share the link in below private message box.
Did you check the compatibility issue?
I have requested the access to Google drive link, please grant it, then update here. Thanks
Just shared - thanks so much for your help!
Thanks, I am downloading the files, will update here if there is anything found.
Please try these in your website:
1) Dashboard-> Toolset-> WordPress Archives, find and edit "K-12 Programs"
in section "Loops Selection", enable option of Custom Post Archives "K-12 Programs"
2) Delete cache, and test again, it works fine in my localhost with your duplicator package, see screenshot k-12-program.JPG
Fantastic - this totally worked. Thank you for your help. Much appreciated!