I've 3 types of content:
- employee
- company
- contact data
1 Employee work/worked in MANY Companies
1 Company have/has in MANY Employees
1 Employee have MANY Contacts data
1 Contact data has 1 Employee
Employee <> Company
Employee < Contact
I need this pages:
- Companies List
- Company Detail with Employee list (with filter where Employee with the custom field "Active = 1")
- Employee Detail with his Contact Data (with filter where Employee with the custom field "Active = 1")
Can you help me how to create Templates, Views and Pages? Can you give me some examples?
- Company Detail with Employee list (with filter where Employee with the custom field "Active = 1")
To display company details with employee list, you should create a content template to display the single company and then add a view to display related Employee list. https://toolset.com/course-lesson/displaying-related-posts/#displaying-many-related-items
I tried to do as you suggest but I had problems.
Let me explain what I'm going to do.
I've a list of USERS, each USER has 1 or more STUDIO.
I want to list USERS and for each USER i want to list all STUDIOs data (address, city, phone...).
Here the example: hidden link
I've create the USER and STUDIO Custom Post Types: hidden link - hidden link
I've create the JOIN from USERs and STUDIOs: hidden link
I think the JOIN is correct because here you can see that for this USER and STUDIO data match: hidden link - hidden link
I've create a template: hidden link
the template configuration: hidden link
editing template: hidden link
the system created the view: hidden link
When I try to edit the "USERs loop" adding the VIEW of his STUDIOs I've a problem, I can't save the changes and the "sub-view" hasn't any result.
My steps to create the view:
1. hidden link
2. hidden link
3. hidden link
4. hidden link
5. hidden link
6. hidden link (empty result and unable to save the template)
Where is my error?
Can you help me?
If you need I can create an admin user in wordpress.