Tell us what you are trying to do?
I need step by step instructions on creating a form,
then creating an elementor ? single or page template? with added content widget,
and how to incorporate it into the front end - as an edit link??? at top of the single listing.
I'm following multiple threads of instructions, each one not quite lined up and so I can't quite understand the steps involved.
FYI - I am working through suggestions right now. One confusing thing has been in #2 above (I believe) - Toolset now using a block editor and missed that step as not in the instructive links... look image below.
I had to work with the new block editor to insert a block "TB Fields and Test" and then find the "toolset form" that was a different display then the one in the instructions
Please try these:
1) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2019, deactivate all Custom code snippets, and test again
2) If the problem still persists, please provide a test site with the same problem, fill below private message box with the test site credentials, also point out the problem page URL and template URL, thanks
I think I'm missing something. When I add the link in elementor it shows the entire form not a link to it.
I'm not sure of the shortcode to add in directly into elementor. Does this help explain?
It would be helpful to update documentation and to have it in one place.
I found an answer to the shortcode issue in: hidden link - a 2017 video that isn't current but very useful