Hi Team,
I want to set dynamic fields like fetch all taxonomies. After select on taxonomy i want to add new select field base on selected taxonomy.
For example,
My Taxonomy is core modes.
Here is the list of items in core modes taxonomy.
Once the user selects an item in the above taxonomy. another select field calls to like.
Please provide me solution for it.
Also, i want to call field base on taxonomy. Please provide me solution for it.
Here is the example please take a look.
My Taxonomy item is "Groundwork" & I want to call tex field base on "Groundwork" post item etc
Waiting for your reply on the same.
More thing I want to call my post item as a text field so please assist me in how can I achieve this logic using toolset form.
It is possible within Toolset Types plugin, you can edit your custom field groups, click "Settings for your custom field group", in section "Appears on", click "Edit" button, there you can setup the conditions on custom taxonomies.
And when you edit/create a post, after you choose the specific term of taxonomy "core modes", and save the post, you will be able to see those hidden field groups.
For Toolset Forms, you can follow our document to setup the conditional display for Form Sections:
Hi Luo,
Here are the more explanations in the videos please take a look.
I am using post form. Here is the link.
hidden link
Here is the link for field documentation.
hidden link
Instruction Video links.
1) Fetch question directly in taxonomy.
hidden link
2) I have two taxonomies first is modes and second is balance, i have to create multiple checkboxes base on taxonomy relation.
hidden link
3) I want to use taxonomy and custom post fields with multiple checkboxes.
hidden link
Here is the backend credential.
Waiting for your reply on the same.
We can handle the questions one by one:
1) Fetch question directly in taxonomy.
The custom taxonomy "Embodied Change Processess" is registered to post type "Embodied Change Processes", see it in your website:
hidden link
But the post form you mentioned in video capature:
hidden link
This post form is for creating new "Client Session Reflections" posts, it is different post types: "Embodied Change Processes" and "Client Session Reflections", there isn't any relationship between those post types.
I don't think it is possible to display different "Client Session Reflections" post fields on taxonomy "Embodied Change Processess", is there any missing?