i only want the PDF's to show up on my dutch page but as of now they are only visible on my English product page.
The reason i use toolset is that these pdf's show up dynamically for each product (no need to translate.
if i change the WPML setting on the SGL product template to "Make 'Content Templates' appear as translated" then it still won't show up on my dutch SGL product page (which is translated. Only the PDF code block is not showing in wpml SGL product page.
So how to get the pdf's show up on my dutch sgl product pages ( i don't want to translate the sgl product template page since that is done already on the individual product pages themselves.
The main reason i use toolset is for these dynamic possibilities..
My problem is solved i made a mistake
After changing the WPML setting to "Do not make Content Templates translatable". i updated the page instead of saving this setting first (stupid).
All is fine now and thank you so much for your patience