Hi. I guess there is a bug in Toolset Blocks. I have created 2 templates. In the beginning and after I could see "View Loop Settings" so I could change (for example) the "Loop Style" or the number of Columns. But now I only see "Loop Template", "Style Settings" and "Advanced". I have been searching everywhere I could for the "Loop Style" settings but couldn't find them.
Please help me finding them (if I am missing something here) or fix this issue because it is driving me mad 🙁
Thank you very much for your support in advance,
I was just checking this myself, and it seems that if when you create a View in the first step you choose a table output format, you cannot later change your mind.
If you choose something else in the first step, e.g. a grid, then yes, you can in the View Loop block settings change this to something else (but not table!).
If you started out with table and then change your mind, there is no alternative but to delete the View and start again I'm afraid.
Hi Nigel,
This definitely is a bug because I can't even change the columns count. For sure I should be able to add or remove columns right?
And also, there is another bug. I wanted to hide a specific column and its heading for Mobile but it didn't hide. There is for sure another bug there because I saved the settings several times and nothing was changed in front-end.
It's certainly not very intuitive, but to alter the number of columns on an existing View using table output, you need to use select the Table Row block (you may want to use the Block navigation at the top of the page), see the screenshot.
I'll pass on some feedback to the developers about how difficult it is to find that.
As for hiding columns on different sized screens, there is no support for that currently.
Can you show me a screenshot of the hide element toggle, as I can't see it when I'm dealing with a table View on my own test site.
But I can confirm that changing the number of columns on different screensizes is not supported, you would need to request feature be added at the above link.