I am trying to: Delete Content Templates (both titled "Loop item in ..." ); there's no checkbox in the "Content Templates" list. I've deleted all Views, Forms and related posts, as well as emptied the trash. I also ran WP-Optimize.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see:
Instead, I got:
By default, after you delete the post/user views, Views plugin will delete the related content templates(Loop item in ...) automatically.
In your case, I suggest you check this:
1) Find the content template ID:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Content templates
you can get the content template ID in column "ID", for example it's ID is 123
2) Run with some mysql tools, for example PHPmyadmin, check it in your website database, table "wp_postmeta", run below sql query:
SELECT * FROM `wp_postmeta` WHERE `post_id` = 123 AND `meta_key` = '_view_loop_id'
You should be able see one result, remove it and test again.
I suggest you backup your website database first.
I did this on my site and it worked ... however there is one final step where you must manually delete the now accessible "rogue loop" from Content Templates to remove it entirely.
Woody House