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[Resolved] Cannot use multilingual content templates

This support ticket is created 8 years, 4 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by paulw-2 8 years, 4 months ago.

Assisted by: Luo Yang.


Hi there,

We started a post here about not having the possibility to use the views content templates multilingual option. We're having issues translations are not shown in the front-end.

Your supporter told us this was an issue for WPML so we did.

The solution they came up with is to translate everything by string translation which is:
A. So much work for translating something simple as a couple of headers (with the wp-types values underneath, these Are translated by strings already)
B. Impossible to use different designs per language (or country)
C. Difficult to use a gravity form or slider which is build for a language or country needs (last post wpml support advises the use of conditional and wpml api)

The outcome of this conversation is, WPML is going te ask WP-Types to remove the translation option and the users of wp-types will be forced to use the string translation option and the use of conditional/wpml api's.
This is a total downgrade of your product and i really cannot see why this should be (i can't believe this will be or is the solution for something which used to work fine).
Since it was so simple to just duplicate the content to a new language and just replace some id's...

We do want to use the wp-views content template per language (EN/DE/NL/CZ).
How can we manage to:
- use the wp-types option (Views - Settings - Compatibility - Translating with WPML - Create different Content Templates for each language),
- create 'translation-content-templates' in wp-types so we can change the id's for gravity forms and revolution sliders

Like to hear from you.


Link to WPML discussion:

Link to older topic on wp-types:


Hi there,

Can somebody pick this up please?
We're 4 days later and still no solution.

Would be great to get some help because our client is very unsatisfied and losing money.


Schermafbeelding 2016-02-18 om 16.44.13.png

I thought of another approach and builded different Content Templates, and wanted to select the content template in our (tranlation) page of a project.

It is not possible either.
When i select another template it jumps back after publishing.

Why would you downgrade the wp-types/wpml products by this?

A multilingual website/shop is not only about language!
Our multilingual website became useless when it is no longer possible to select a content template per language.


Dear paulw,

Does the solution that Dat provided in your WPML thread works?
If it still not work, I suggest you keep on follow above thread.

And your another thread is marked as resolved:

And I checked it in our to-do list, it has been submitted by Dat, which is still in open status, I added this thread into it, hope it can raise our developer's attention.


Hi Luoy,

We've created a 'work-around' for the different gravity forms in different languages.
This is not a solution for different designs for different languages.

In my opinion it was much easier the way it was:
- Translate the types in wpml by string translating;
- All content of a page can be placed in the wp-views / cred workflow in the proper language
- Design the page by wp-views per language (flexibility in design / techniques), like it used to be.

WPML String translation is nice for the fixed text elements but no good for the use of external tools (gravity or rev slider, etc).

Hope this new workflow will be reconsidered.
Thanks for your time!


This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.